How to Use Engineering Metrics 📊
Let’s analyze the various types of metrics and how to design a minimum viable process to use them for good.
Hey, Luca here!
As you may have read in the announcement last week, I am joining Nicola and The Hybrid Hacker as an author, so this is the very first article I publish here!
I’ll do my best to make a good first impression 😄 so I am writing about one of my favorite topics: engineering metrics!
Following up on Nicola’s excellent piece last year, there is a lot of talk around metrics today. This isn’t entirely new — simple metrics for productivity have been around for decades: think of velocity in Scrum, WIP limits in Kanban, or lines of code even before that.
However, when people mention engineering metrics today, they usually refer to a relatively new wave of KPIs, like DORA, SPACE, or DevEx. These are all specific to the development workflow, and are backed by solid research.
I should say relatively new, though, because a lot of the research that enabled them is 5-10 years old already — yet, the whole space still feels like a work in progress.
I believe this is a reflection of the state of software engineering in general.
In fact, KPIs are meant to measure processes, and the software industry never had much consensus around these in the first place. It’s genuinely hard to point at many things that all software teams do, which in turn makes it hard to build products to improve them.
That said, I believe we are at a tipping point now, where there is finally more consolidation, many workflows have been figured out, and we have a better idea of what an elite engineering team looks like.
It feels to me that engineering metrics have successfully moved from the “innovators“ stage to the “early adopters” one, on the curve of adoption, and that most modern teams would benefit from incorporating them into their work.
It’s still a lot to digest, but for teams and managers who make the leap, the benefits are impossible to ignore.
So, this article wants to be your primer on engineering metrics and how you can use them with your team. Especially if you have never touched them, this is meant to give you the minimum viable instructions to get started.
Here is what we will cover:
🎯 Goal of metrics — what they are and aren’t useful for. Let’s set expectations right.
🚦 Types of metrics — introducing the simple WIP classification.
🏁 How to get started — a practical workflow to introduce and leverage engineering metrics with your team.
👑 Advice from the best — finally, I reached out to the CEOs and founders of the major tools in this space. They shared with me their advice for leaders who want to start using metrics 👇
Let’s dive in!
🎯 Goal of metrics
Let’s start with a simple disclaimer: nothing will authoritatively tell you how well your team is working, as a whole. If you are looking for a holistic picture of your team’s performance, that still comes from your experience.
That’s especially true when you consider that engineering is not a silo that creates some abstract tech by itself, but a group of people who work, together with PMs, designers and other stakeholders, on a product for some users.
So, engineering metrics do not capture the big picture, because they are not meant to.
Metrics are clues. They empower your processes and give you a sense of where the wind is blowing.
Personally, I have used engineering metrics for many years, and here is what they have been the most useful for:
1) Spot trends 📈
Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint a good target for a KPI, but you can spot whether things are improving or not.
For example, the number of commits per day doesn’t look all that actionable in isolation, but what if there has been a steady decline in the last three months? Are we getting slower at PRs, too? Maybe that’s because we are having too many meetings? Or there is too much work in progress?
2) Start conversations 💬
Once you have spotted a trend, numbers make it easy to start a conversation with your team.
Metrics are always a means to an end. For me, the goal is to get visibility into what's happening in the development process/developer experience and insights on the things that I should pay attention to.
— Ari Koponen, Head of Platform at Swarmia
Such conversations can range from celebrations, for when things have improved, to figuring out the root cause of a problem, starting with some evidence. Which leads to the last point
3) Back initiatives 📣
Numbers provide evidence that can help back initiatives with stakeholders.
E.g. showing that your team routinely spends 40% of their time on maintenance is a great starting point to advocate for some debt-reducing project.
So, what types of metrics should you track?
📋 Types of metrics – the WIP model
There exist various classifications for engineering metrics. The SPACE Framework is the most comprehensive out there, but it is also extensive, and I haven’t found a company that implements it in full.
So, for my own utility, I have come up with a simpler mental model, conveniently called WIP, based on three categories:
❤️ Wellbeing — perceptual data about people’s satisfaction. You can take this in surveys, track it in 1:1s, retrospectives, and more.
⚖️ Investment — data about where your team allocates their time. This is mostly discretionary and there is no right or wrong.
📈 Productivity — data about the efficiency of the various parts of your dev process, like the DORA metrics.
The goal of these categories is to be useful, rather than exhaustive. I believe the minimum viable metrics you should consider include data points from each of these categories.
So, let’s list everything that goes into each bucket 👇
❤️ Wellbeing metrics
I believe a great litmus test to figure out if you are doing well as a manager is to ask yourself: “am I having hard conversations with my team?”
There are always some: about careers, about CI/CD that takes forever, or about Dave, the guy that always makes others wait two days for his code reviews. Hey Dave 👋
Hard conversations lead to progress, and having them regularly means that people feel safe to address problems with you.
Many of these chats start with something people are not satisfied with. Satisfaction comes before numbers — you might think some process is doing great, but if people are not happy about it, you should act.
So, to begin your data-driven improvement journey, you don’t need tools. My advice is to just… ask people! Here are a few things you can survey your people about:
Do you think we are spending time on the right things?
Do you feel overworked?
How do you feel about our delivery process?
How do you feel about how we do code reviews?
What do you think about how we work with PMs and designers?
You can discuss these in many ways:
🗳️ Surveys — you can run team-wide surveys on a regular basis, e.g. once a quarter or twice a year, and check progress.
🧑🤝🧑 1:1s — people can share how they feel in weekly 1:1s. I used a “weather report” for this in the past.
↩️ Retrospectives — you can leverage retros to have collective discussions and gather opinions about team-wide processes.
I want to stress that there is no substitute for this. Out of all the categories of metrics, if you have to act on one only, it should be this.
Nicola weighed in on this, too 👇
My suggestion is to prioritize getting to know your team, fully trust the people you lead, and ensure they are passionate about and accountable for their work. There will always be time to examine metrics once you've accomplished that.
That said, there are also tools that can help you with this. There are three main categories you can try:
General HR — products like Lattice or Mesh help with company-wide engagement, running surveys, tracking e-NPS, and more. They are usually targeted to mid-to-large companies.
Communication-based — tools like StatusHero or Range focus on creating rituals (e.g. check-ins) where people can report blockers, note how they feel, and more. They are very useful and I have used them a lot in the past.
Engineering-focused — some newer tools also explicitly focus on developers’ wellbeing, like Typo.
⚖️ Investment metrics
Investment metrics are for figuring out how you spend your time as a team.
For example, how much time goes into maintenance vs new features? How much on new features vs small improvements?
In my experience, tracking your investment balance has incredible ROI. It creates alignment with the business, builds trust, and counters natural biases your team may have towards specific types of work.
In fact, based on their culture, most teams naturally skew towards extreme modes of work. For example:
🏭 Feature factories — always pumping out new stuff.
📊 Optimizers — focus on short-term and small improvements, rather than big initiatives.
🏗️ Perfectionists — engineering-heavy teams who overly focus on refactoring.
The best way to counter this is to start visualizing where your time goes, and adjust.
About this, I am a fan of the balance framework, which divides work into four main areas:
🩺 KTLO — mandatory maintenance to Keeps The Lights On.
🔨 New things — work towards business goals, like new products or features.
🔧 Improvements — work to improve existing features, including performance, reliability, and security.
⚙️ Productivity — improvements to the developer experience. This may also affect operations and other departments’ productivity.
This helps you have conversations based on grounded evidence, and build a sustainable work balance. E.g. are you spending more than 30% on KTLO? You can bring up the data, discuss if there is some debt that slows the team down, and plan actions to improve.
Most engineering metrics tools today provide ways to track your investment (will provide a list at the end of the post).
📈 Productivity metrics
Productivity metrics are what most people think about when we talk of engineering metrics.
These are the numbers that people strive to improve, for which you set targets, check industry benchmarks, and more.
There is almost no limit to the amount of KPIs you can track this way. Delivery metrics (e.g. DORA), coding metrics (e.g. # of commits, commit size, churn, …), collaboration metrics (e.g. PRs metrics), and more.
Any of these can be useful at specific times and in specific situations, but I believe only a few are useful on a regular basis. Here are my favorites:
1) DORA Metrics 🌟
Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble and Gene Kim surveyed more than 2000 tech companies between 2013 and 2017.
They focused on software delivery, to understand which practices accelerate development, and in turn bring the most value to companies.
Their work, which was published in the Accelerate book, validated two major theses:
Software delivery performance can be measured in a meaningful way.
Good software delivery performance predicts wider organizational performance — that is, it actually brings value to companies.
Accelerate has since become a cornerstone work for software engineering, as it backs decades of theories with real, indisputable data. It defines four major metrics for measuring delivery performance, which today are widely called DORA metrics:
⏱️ Lead Time for Changes — the amount of time that goes from the first commit of a feature to its release in production.
🚀 Release Frequency — how often the organization deploys code for their primary service.
🔨 Mean Time To Restore — how much time is needed to recover from downtime / issues introduced with the latest release.
🔥 Change Failure Rate — the percentage of releases that result in downtime / severe issues.
Accelerate contains performance benchmarks for each metric, defining the categories of elite, high, medium, and low performers.
Here are the three main takeaways:
Software delivery performance matters — high performers in software delivery are twice as likely to exceed organizational goals as low performers. They also have 50% higher market cap growth, over three years, compared to low performers.
There is no trade-off between speed and stability — high performers do better at all measures. Actually, delivery speed brings stability, by means of faster recovery from failures.
The gap between high and low performers is incredible — often being 100x on a single measure. You have companies that deploy once every few months, and others of similar size, with comparable tech assets, who do it multiple times a day.
Accelerate has been followed by more research and surveys by the same team in the following years, which you can find on the DORA website.
2) Cycle Time 🔄
Out of the four DORA metrics, if you had to choose one to start with, that would be Lead Time for Changes — which today is more often called Cycle Time.
Cycle Time is a subset of the overall Lead Time, which instead covers the whole dev cycle, from ideation to release.
Why measuring one instead of the other?
Lead Time includes analysis and design phases, whose duration can vary a lot based on the breadth of the initiative. However, once the initiative itself has been broken down into multiple deliverables, the delivery process should move in short and predictable cycles, which are more useful to measure.
Cycle Time is probably the most popular engineering metric today — and for good reason. In fact, it possesses all the hallmarks of great KPIs:
It is objective — it doesn't need context to be interpreted, you know exactly what it means.
It is easy to understand — it can be easily discussed and explained to management, as it works like the engineering equivalent of sales cycle and product funnel metrics.
It stays relevant as you scale — it doesn't depend on the size of the team.
It is actionable — it shouldn't fluctuate much. Significant increases usually point to specific problems that can be identified and resolved.
A healthy Cycle Time in real-world scenarios is anything within a couple of days. Further improvements are fine, but I have noticed that striving for < one day brings diminishing returns.
Breaking down work in small batches is important, but there is an optimal batch size somewhere — under which you are only pedaling faster without delivering more value.
So it’s ok to optimize Cycle Time, but I wouldn’t obsess on getting it down to hours.
3) PR Cycle Time 🔍
Cycle Time is an aggregated metric that combines several steps of the dev workflow.
When you zoom in, a critical measure for most teams is PR Cycle time — the average time that goes from when a PR is opened to when it is merged.
You might think this is very specific compared to the previous stuff we discussed. I am including it here because, in my experience, code reviews are often the single biggest bottlenecks for software teams.

It always boggles my mind how many teams do heroic efforts to shave 10 mins off their CI/CD pipeline, and then are totally fine with the code sitting idle for days waiting for review.
4) Velocity 🤷♂️
Velocity gets an honorable mention because it is still the most well-known engineering metric, so I felt compelled to spend a few words about it.
And these few words are: velocity is not very useful.
In my experience, velocity has some limited utility in planning work — you can use it for rough sizing, but not more — and is just misleading for anything else.
In fact:
It is not a measure of productivity — you can’t optimize velocity, at least not reliably. Since story points (or t-shirt sizes) are arbitrary, people will eventually just inflate the points. And it’s not because people are evil, it’s a natural, even unconscious, reaction to a bad way of defining productivity.
It is not useful across teams — velocity is only meaningful locally to the team, because of the arbitrary nature of estimates.
It is too high-level — if you get bad velocity in a sprint, you can’t drill down into it to figure out what went wrong, as you can do instead with e.g. cycle time.
So, all that said, how do you start using metrics in your work?
🏁 How to get started
I want to be absolutely clear on this: using metrics is a lot of work.
That is true for any metrics, not just engineering ones. In fact, for each single KPI you decide to track, you have to:
Monitor it on a regular basis — these are the basics. You will look at a dashboard, reflect on the meaning of numbers, and correlate them with the work that is going on.
Discuss performance with your team — engineering metrics are best used in conversations with your team. The team has the most context about how work happens and can comment on things that went right or wrong. Failing to do this not only handicaps your understanding, it also creates skepticism within your team. Do not turn metrics in to a “manager’s thing”.
Create initiatives to improve — conversations are pointless if you don’t carve out space for improving things. When issues surface, you should design initiatives to address them.
This is a continuous cycle: you look at numbers, discuss them with people, figure out how to improve, measure things again, discuss, over and over again.
So, if you are just getting started, start small. Here is the minimum viable metrics program I would recommend 👇
1) Start with wellbeing conversations ❤️
Talk to people: engineers, managers, but also PMs and other non-technical stakeholders who are particularly involved. Figure out what are the most frustrating problems, to them, in the development process.
You can do it individually, but I also recommend doing it in team-wide retrospectives. You can have a retro focused on DX, and a separate one focused on the business angle. Take the 2-3 top issues that people agree on and write them down.
2) Pick one metric 🤏
Start with one of the issues you found, and figure out how to measure it. You can probably find some KPI related to it. Here is a great cheatsheet by Ari:
Things moving too slow → Lead time or Cycle time
Struggling with how to allocate your time → Investment balance
Slow/unreliable release process → DORA metrics
Building the wrong things → Feature adoption metrics
Make it an official initiative and create a dedicated retrospective about it, with some generous cadence (e.g. once every two weeks).
At the beginning, focus on improvement rather than setting a target. It is more important to build momentum rather than reach a specific goal.
3) Rotate 🔄
On a longer timeframe (e.g. quarterly) decide whether to continue your investment on that KPI or move your focus to another of the top issues. Keep having conversations to keep issues up to date and surface new ones.
In the long run, at any given time you will find yourself with some part of the dev process that requires more of your attention, and with a long tail of KPIs you keep an eye on, with a minimum level of investment, to spot regressions.
👑 Roundtable of advice from experts
Thanks to the newsletter, I am lucky to personally know many founders and CEOs of the most popular products in the engineering metrics space.
So I reached out to them and asked what advice they would give to leaders who want to start using metrics, but don’t know exactly how.
Here are their answers 👇
Eiso Kant • CEO at Athenian
Many recommend beginning with DORA metrics, but DORA metrics are not enough to guide an engineering organization - they’re only part of the equation.
We can’t talk about metrics without talking about change management. Most leaders struggle to create the right culture around metrics. The right culture requires consistency, so I recommend starting with one leading metric (i.e., PR Cycle Time) and looking at that metric consistently throughout the entire engineering organization. This will lead to valuable discussions and, ultimately, the desired changes around that metric.
Yes, DORA metrics can show us the typical characteristics of high-performing teams, but not how they made their journey to get there, or a map to get your organization where it needs to get.
Ori Keren • CEO at LinearB
An engineering metrics program is essential to solve engineering leaders’ dual mandate of operational excellence and aligning R&D investments to business impact.
However, metrics like DORA only go so far. They’re often lagging indicators - and are challenging to use without context. You need to use engineering metrics benchmarks to gauge success. Then to create sustained improvement, you must reduce dev toil with workflow automation.
We’ve built free resources to help engineering leaders start their metrics program and improve software delivery:
Our engineering metrics benchmarks report
Our upcoming 3 part workshop on how to start benchmarking, improve dev efficiency, and resource allocation
A free LinearB account to get your engineering metrics
Kovid Batra • Founding Member at Typo
Effective dev teams rely heavily on engineering metrics, but their usefulness is limited unless they are aligned with desired outcomes.
EMs must first gain a comprehensive understanding of the system as a whole, including how features are conceptualized and brought to production, before focusing on more targeted metrics for optimization.
Although process-specific metrics such as PR Cycle time, MTTR, and Code Review Time are valuable, they should be employed in a manner that enhances the overall workflow, rather than being used in isolation.
Kendrick Curtis • VP of Engineering at Codacy
As you'd expect, we actively use Pulse (self-plug) in team sprint retros because it works on a team level, so there's no finger-pointing at devs who are "underperforming" but the team as a whole can look at outlier tickets and say, "OK, why was the cycle time on this one ticket so long? Can we learn anything from it?"
The DORA metrics are not perfect or complete but being able to ask "why did this take so long?" or "why did we have so many production incidents this month?" has significant value.
Pulse or similar cycle-time explorer tool would have been super-helpful at my previous employer to graph phases of cycle. If your team is taking a long time to process code reviews, for instance, this will be glaringly obvious in the cycle time chart (and maybe you can find some help on this here...). If there's a bottleneck in QA or Product review, these things can be visualized in a way that you can then tackle.
But, as others here say, I think there is a huge thing to be said for "just listen to your engineers and make sure they are happy, excited about their work and making progress" because over-examination of metrics can lead to unwanted gaming of the system.
Metrics do best IMO when they are streamlining your processes rather than studying individuals' performance.
Ari Koponen • Head of Platform at Swarmia
Metrics are always a means to an end. For me, the goal is to get visibility into what's happening in the development process/developer experience and insights on the things that I should pay attention to.
When talking about metrics, people often think of "a single number," but my experience is that visualizing the data in an easy-to-understand way provides better insights.
The metrics we most commonly refer to in our team are:
Investment distribution — this gives us a top-level view of where our time is going and if we should spend time e.g., improving our architecture or paying more attention to quality/documentation/admin tools.
Weekly work log — we look at this every Friday when having internal demos. It allows us to quickly get a feel of what kind of a week it was. What was our focus, did we have a lot of bug-fixing, etc.
High-level work log — it visualizes epics/stories/issues for a longer period of time and allows us to see if we've been able to focus on our objectives/roadmap work over the past few weeks/months.
WIP metrics — we track WIP for Epics, stories, bugs, and pull requests.
Lead time / Cycle time metrics — we track our story and PR cycle times closely. We have a cycle time goal of 14 days for stories, and also track scope creep and flow efficiency to see if we were able to focus on the work.
Alex Circei • CEO at Waydev
For executives new to engineering metrics, it's essential to align KPIs with the company's strategic goals and objectives.
Start by measuring our own recommended metrics, including Lead Time for Changes, Deployment Frequency, and Change Failure Rate, as they provide insights into efficiency, velocity, and stability, allowing to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
Use these metrics to drive positive change, motivate your team, review progress, and adapt the approach as needed.
Implementing a data-driven culture is vital to fostering collaboration and continuous improvement, enabling informed decision-making, and driving long-term success.
And that’s it for today! If you are finding this newsletter valuable, consider doing any of these:
1) 🔒 Subscribe to the full version — if you aren’t already, consider becoming a paid subscriber. You can learn more about the benefits of the paid plan here.
2) ❤️ Share it — The Hybrid Hacker lives thanks to word of mouth. Share the article with your team or with someone to whom it might be useful!
I wish you a great week! ☀️